KIPU: Knowledge that Inspires People like U

Photo by Elwin

Imagine if we could speed up time in the fight against climate change: KIPU is a knowledge engine, chatbot, web search engine and App that stores, evaluates, curates, and represents sustainable destinations.

see more in KIPU: Knowledge that Inspires People like U.

KIPU es un motor de conocimiento (knowledge graph), chatbot (Kipu), buscador web (Smart Travel) y App (KipuLab) que almacena, evalúa, cura, y representa destinos sostenibles.

Huaman Quispe
Huaman Quispe
Quechua Family

Instead of imposing what the Quechua communities should learn, we ask them what they would like to learn or improve. We then prepare workshops focused on the topics they want to address and invite experts in the field to travel to the communities and share their knowledge.

Elwin Huaman
Elwin Huaman
M.Sc. Web Engineering

I am interested on knowledge graphs, semantic web technologies, quechua language, and their applications.
