
Quechua Voices

The project aims to record the voices of Quechua Puno speakers (including adults and elders) and make these recordings available on the Wikimedia Ecosystem and Qichwabase.

Recording Voices of the Puno Quechua in Peru

The project aims to record the voices of Puno Quechua speakers (including adults and elders) and make these recordings available on the Wikimedia Ecosystem and Qichwabase.

Connecting Alpacas to Their Roots - A Quechua Experience

We present our vision as alpaca breeders in the andes, as quechua people, and as domain experts, what does it mean to connect with alpacas for us.

Illariy Chaska

It has the goal of empower women in the Andes of Peru. We designe and knitt collection of alpaca fibre garments that might be presented at international events.

Our participation on the Alpaka-Expo 2024

We participated and brought part of our knowledge, culture, and traditions to the biggest event of alpacas in Central Europe.

What projects we have addressed on 2022

We address digital literacy issues, women empowerment, endangered languages, the presence of minority communities on the Web, sustainability, and many more.

Discover the true Quechua Culture staying with us

Explore our culture through alpacas, potatoes, quinoa and so on by staying with us in a beautiful Quechua community.

Qichwa Wikipidiya [Quechua Wikipedia]

Towards Publishing in Quechua Language: Wikipidiya use case.

KIPU: Knowledge that Inspires People like U

KIPU is a knowledge engine, chatbot, web search engine and App that stores, evaluates, curates, and represents sustainable destinations.

QUIPU [Quechua Language Knowledge Graph]

With QUIPU we are trying to create a knowledge graph that can preserve as much as possible all the Quechua knowledge in a structured format.